Bon samedi à tous. Lundi, c'est jour d'élection et on peut s'attendre à plusieurs surprises. Je ferai d'ailleurs mon pool électoral le 2 mai, j'espère que vous y participerez! Le Québec en entier semble être en amour avec Jack Layton depuis deux semaines la vague orange du NPD déferle de toute part. Voyons voir si elle se transformera en vote dans l'isoloir. Gilles Duceppe ne semble pas la trouver drôle, lui qui est habitué à faire cavalier seul dans la belle province. Il a même du sortir Jacques Parizeau de la retraite pour tenter de renverser la vapeur. Les libéreaux ont tenté de faire la même chose avec Jean Chrétien mais on peut s'attendre à une solide dégelée pour Iggy! Le Bloc s'est essayé avec Gérald Larose mais avec moins de succès disons. J'ai bien hâte de voir ce que tout cela va donner. Bon weekend!
3 commentaires:
a dit…
"Organic Mulch) (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, NRES-19-97). Cypress mulch has organic compounds that are allelopathic. Grass clippings are full of nitrogen and break down quickly.
Of course, the dictatorship in Egypt is far different than what the vast majority of Americans face.
Products a man can purchase in the privacy of his own home, without having to take an excursion into some dark-alley porn shop, as if he was purchasing illegal contraband. This is also probably one of the easiest forms of advertising, with only an advert designed for a specific box needing to be created. Approximate 46% of the daily newspapers are vernacular, 45% of them publish in Hindi and only 10% in English. In advance of purchasing, you should also review if the reproduction Hermes totes are priced way too high compared to it really is top quality and also product difference.
Whether you are searching for specialty styling products or specific Loreal hair products, you are sure to find what you need. As far as medical treatment is concerned, it's often suggested to consult your doctor before any further proceeding. When one thinks of fungus, they don't generally associate it with the head or scalp, but the itching, burning scalp, rash or pimples on the scalp could very well be caused by a fungus, requiring antifungal shampoo to provide well needed relief to the symptoms.
L'actualité commentée avec une touche d'humour, c'est ce que vous retrouverez sur le Blog de ce sympathique enseignant! N'hésitez pas à laisser vos commentaires.
3 commentaires:
"Organic Mulch) (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, NRES-19-97). Cypress mulch has organic compounds that are allelopathic. Grass clippings are full of nitrogen and break down quickly.
my site - mulching
Of course, the dictatorship in Egypt is far different than what the vast majority of Americans face.
Products a man can purchase in the privacy of his own home,
without having to take an excursion into some dark-alley porn shop, as if he was purchasing illegal contraband.
This is also probably one of the easiest forms
of advertising, with only an advert designed for
a specific box needing to be created. Approximate 46% of the daily newspapers are vernacular, 45%
of them publish in Hindi and only 10% in English. In advance of purchasing, you should also review if the reproduction Hermes totes are priced way too high compared to it really is top quality and also product difference.
Here is my homepage - egyptian newspapers
Whether you are searching for specialty styling products or specific
Loreal hair products, you are sure to find what you need.
As far as medical treatment is concerned,
it's often suggested to consult your doctor before any further proceeding. When one thinks of fungus, they don't
generally associate it with the head or scalp, but the itching, burning
scalp, rash or pimples on the scalp could very well be caused by a
fungus, requiring antifungal shampoo to provide
well needed relief to the symptoms.
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